Saturday, April 12, 2014

Giraffes - three color exercise

To follow the thread of ways to improve your painting capabilities which I have been blogging on for the past couple of days, this painting is an example of using three colors or a restricted palate to paint.  This oil painting was done with Titanium White, Raw Umber, and Cobalt Blue.  The use of just three colors allows you to focus on the values, i.e. the dark, medium, and light.  Too many colors can be confusing and can distract you from what you want to paint.  Not getting the values right can cause your painting to lose it's ability to represent three dimensions while painting in two.  This is part of the many problems and struggles in the life long pursuit of learning to paint.  This exercise to improve is similar to  the toned paper drawings a wrote about in the post from yesterday.

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