Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Himalayan Bulbul

Today's bird is a Himalayan Bulbul, they are birds of the Indian sub-continenent.  They are part of the morning greeting committee.  They remind me of the Blue Jays here in the US.  I did this in colored pencil.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

Long day at work, so I will fall back on a bird sketch.  This colored pencil sketch is of a Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher.  We saw this in Oklahoma a few years back.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Polar Bears

I did some Polar Bear sketches on tan colored paper with pencil, white chalk, and colored pencils.  These are some experiments for a project I had in mind, hopefully I can post it in a few days as I finish it up.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Ketch - Sailing Boat

I few years back, I got interested in reading the Patrick O'Brian Master and Commander series, its about 20+ books.  This led to some drawings and this painting.  I did this from a picture I found in a magazine.  It was for more of my own enjoyment and to experiment with atmospheric perspective.  That is the term to describe the greying out of colors into the distance.  This is why a have deep blues and greens in the foreground water and it transitions to the lighter and grayer tones of the horizon line.  I really liked the sail colors, the hull color, and the sails on the mizzen being taut against the lines from the wind change on this Ketch sailboat.  This was a painting in oil.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Scarlet Tanager

I hope everyone enjoyed the Holiday Saturday.  Start looking in your backyard for the return of the song birds.  This is one of the pretty and brilliantly colored ones you might see especially on the east coast of the U.S.  It is the male Scarlet Tanager.  I captured this one in colored pencil.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Ancient Goat Stone work

Another week of meeting fun, I had 2 1/2 hours of meetings on Wednesday.  The first hour was good, but after the break and five minutes of the second I sketched this out and finished the shading later.  I used a mechanical pencil and a small pocket notebook.  The goat was from a picture on a daily desk calendar.  The daily photo was of a Pharaoh era marble stone carving of a goat.

This is my current little notebook.  I got this second hand, it was made for Turkish Airlines, I thought it was pretty cool.  I have about 23 notebooks which are filled up with ideas, sketches, experiments, and notes.  So I just counted all my notebooks and I might have a problem because I stopped a 80, half of which are a third to half full.  So just a little obsessive.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

May Fly

So I am not a great fisherman or an obsessive one, but it is an activity I have enjoyed with my Dad, my son, my father-in-law, my wife, my daughters, my nieces, and my brother-in-law.  Usually we fish for trout, occasionally Bass and Catfish.  I like the places fishing takes me and I enjoy the people I go with to where the fish live.