Wednesday, January 13, 2016

New Iris Study

I painted this from start to pretty close to finish tonight.  I got a good early start and the painting came together well.  As an artist you have to love when that happens.  I will make some adjustments and I will add highlights and stamens but this is pretty close to complete.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Columbine Flower - Block-in

I wanted to do something different this evening so I started on this study of a Columbine Flower.  It is the state flower of Colorado and is found in many a mountain meadow.  This flower will need some work on the petals and the yellow stamens at the center of the bud will be added after I get the petals right.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Snowy High Plains - block-in

Tonight's start is Snowy High Plains study.  The snowy road across the plain looking towards the mountains.  The clouds will need some highlights.  The foreground snowy shadow will need some more definition to make it believable, so I will have some more work to do this weekend.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Snowy Canyon - Block-in

I worked on a few things but this is the most ready to be posted.  I am happy with the sky but the trees, the cliff, and the snow slopes will need work.  I have painted every day of the year so far, I am ten for ten.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Canadian Rockies

After running errands today, I worked on this small study.  It is of the Canadian Rockies in the Alberta area.  I tried harder to get my colors correct the first time so I will have to do less adjustments.  I partially succeeded bt I will have to still work the trees, the river and the mountain shadows.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Canadian Rockies Frozen Lake - Block-in

Tonight's Oil Painting is a block-in of a scene from the Canadian Rockies.  I will need to adjust the trees and I will need to work the cliffs some.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Snowy Creek - Block-in plus

I have not posted this before.  I did an initial block-in but I was un happy with it.  Tonight I worked it over a bit.  I changed the snow, the creek reflection, and I tweaked the snow slope and sky.  I will add more trees to the right middle ground but I need to be satisfied with the background sky and slope.  It will need some work, but this is part of the new year 7 days of painting every night.