Thursday, July 9, 2015

Sunset Water Study

I had previously blocked this in and then set it aside.  I took it up again tonight and added extra color to the sky and the water.   I added the trees on the left bank, I think this one is done.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Saguaro Cactus Sunset Study

So I have had a hectic couple of days and the art work has suffered a bit.  I have four different things going and this was the only one even close to being post worthy.  It is a bit rough but not a bad start.  I will need to work some of the cloud edges and I want to add more tones/colors into the clouds to add depth.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Alaska Sawyer'S Glacier Fjord - part 2

As I said yesterday, I had cleaned up so around the studio room and decided to work on this some today before the family and firework festivities get started.  I changed the tone of green through out the foreground and middle ground.  I extended the snowfield/Glacier so it made better sense to the composition and I started the process of making sense of the waterfall.  I did nothing on the background but I think I took a better picture this time around.  So Happy Fourth of July!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Livestock Auction Building, Denton, Maryland

I started this a while ago with drawing this out and setting the basic lines.  I then was flummoxed on how I wanted to paint this so I tucked it away.  I did a mid-year clean and re-organize and found this today and saw exactly how I wanted to start this and I have a plan to finish it.  This building was a Livestock Auction Building in Denton, Maryland.  It was was decrepit and in need of paint, which gave it lots of character and interest.  This is the basic bloc in of the colors and now I will have to add the age, peeling paint, rust, and other age.  Now the building is a flea market and has been painted and repaired.  Good for the building, boring for the art.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Waterfall stream study

Tonight I blocked in this small study of a small waterfall spilling over rocks.  I will make some small adjustments to the rocks and the water but I will wait for this oil painting to dry a bit.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hallet's Peak - part 2

I messed with this over the weekend and I will continue to work on it.  Most paintings aren't really finished as much as abandoned.  I tweaked the rock faces and changed the trees some.  This is a long way from being finished and I might convert it to a larger canvas to better work things out.  I started a smaller study tonight but I was not happy with it so I don't know when it will get posted if ever.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Sunshine trees - Part 2

Tonight, I looped back to this study I had blocked in of trees along a stream with a sun getting closer to the horizon.  I wanted to do something different than the Cherry Blossoms commission I was working on, so this is a lot more subtle in colors.  I refined the shadows on the water and the foliage near the base of the trees.  I added foliage in the tree tops.  I will probably add and change those some next.