Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Moving Water Study

Moving water is pretty hard to paint effectively, but you have to practice it to get better.  This is the basics of a close up of water rushing over rocks in a creek.  You can see the start of the development of the water and trying to capture the movement.  This is painted very thinly so it will dry fast and so I can add layers to it and improve its depth and appearance of motion.

Monday, July 27, 2015

New Mexico Field with Flowers Study

This is not an original design, but I liked the design.  I blocked this in and will continue to add details to the foreground field.  This will need to be worked more to give it depth and pop.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Irises Update

I worked on a few things today, and cycled back into somethings started but not finished.  I wish I could say I was a type of artist who could knock out a painting in one go, i.e. all prima.  But I am not there yet,  I usually start something and work on it a while until I get frustrated or the paint is too thick to mess with and then I return to it later.  The above two photos are of the Irises.  There was an intermediate step between them but I did not get a picture of it.  The painting is going good now and will need some refinement on the stems and a little on the petals but it is coming together now.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Sky Sunset study

One of the things I have been working on is to do as many starts (on paintings) as possible as a way to improve my painting skills.  This is a block-in of the Sun setting behind a cloud and its reflection in a small lake.  This will need a lot of work but it is part of the starts.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Another Night Nocturne

This is another Night Nocturne I blocked -in.  I will need to work on the reflection.  It is one of the harder parts of water, so I will continue to work on it.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Beach Nocturne Study

This is the block-in I did of a beach at night.  I will have to work on the water as it will need the most work.  I have been out of town but now I am back to work and painting.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Boreal Forest from the sky Study

This is a small study I have worked on.  It is a Boreal Forest i.e. from the Great North of Alaska or Canada as seen from the air.  It is not a bad block in but I will have to go back and smooth out some of the detail to make the foliage seem more convincing.